Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Windows Server 2008 Overview.

لقد تم بناء هذا النظام استنادا الى النجاح الذي تم تحقيقه في نظام الخوادم السابق "وينوز سيرفر 2003" بالاضافه الى تحسينات جوهريه جعلت منه النظام الأكثر خصوبه لتشغيل معظم التطبيقات ,الشبكات وتطبيقات الويب التي تخدم مجموعات عمل صغيره أو ضخمه على حد سواء.

التحسينات في ويندوز سيرفر 2008
كما ذكرنا سابقا فان هنالك العديد من التحسينات الجوهريه التي أضيفت لعدة جزئيات من هذا النظام نذكر منها على سبيل المثال التالي :

•Notable Improvement in the Networking
•Advanced security features
•Remote application access
•Centralized server role management
•Performance and reliability monitoring tools
•Failover clustering
•Deployment and the file system

ومما لا شك فيه أن هذه التحسينات سوف تساعد وبشكل ملحوظ معظم المجتمعات الكمبيوتريه, عن طريق زيادة المرونه , التواجديه والتحكم في خوادمهم المختلفه.

فوائد ويندوز سيرفر 2008
يمكن حصر فوائد هذه النسخه من أنظمة الخوادم في أربع محاور رئيسيه كالتالي:

1. Web

Windows Server 2008 gives you the ability to deliver rich web based experiences efficiently and effectively, with improved administration and diagnostics, development and application tools, and lower infrastructure costs.

•Simplified Web server management with Internet Information Services 7.0
•Task based interface simplifies common management Web Server tasks
•Cross-site copy allows you to easily copy Web site settings
•Across multiple Web servers without additional configuration
•Delegated administration of applications and sites so you can give control to different parts of the Web server to those who need it

2. Virtualization

With its built-in server virtualization technology, Windows Server 2008 enables you to reduce costs, increase hardware utilization, optimize your infrastructure, and improve server availability.

Built-in virtualization to virtualize multiple operating systems Windows, Linux and others on a single server

3. Security

Windows Server 2008 is the most secure Windows Server ever. Its hardened operating system and security innovations, including Network Access Protection, Federated Rights Management, and Read-Only Domain Controller, provide unprecedented levels of Protection for your network, your data, and your business Protection of your server with security innovations that reduce attack surface area of the kernel, resulting in a more robust and Secure server environment.

4. Solid Foundation for Business Workloads

Windows Server 2008 is the most flexible and robust Windows Server operating system to date. With new technologies and Features such as Server Core, Power-Shell, Windows Deployment Services, and enhanced networking and clustering technologies, Windows Server 2008 provides you the most versatile and reliable Windows platform for all of your workload and application


•Increased dependability with advanced reliability enhancements to reduce loss of access, work, time, data, and control
•Simplified management of your IT infrastructure by using new tools that provide a one-stop interface for server configuration and monitoring, as well as the ability to automate routine tasks
•Streamlined installation and management of Windows Server 2008 by installing only the roles and features you need. The customization of the server configuration simplifies ongoing maintenance by minimizing the attack surface area and reducing the need for software updates.
•Increased control over servers located in remote locations, such as the branch office. With optimized server administration and data replication, you can provide users with better service while reducing management headaches.

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